Characters and letters come from our history. In the western world, the cuneiform script was created in Mesopotamia around 3200 BC; in the eastern world, the oracle bone script was created by ancient Chinese around 1500 BC. They have created thousands of years ago and comprised a series of evolutions. One evolution is we have changed the extrinsic properties of these characters and letters. Thanks to this evolution, they look more beautiful and give us more choices when we need them for different events.
This also led to another problem. Because there are so many different fonts, we cannot find one specific font when we need it. We need something to store these fonts and make them easy to be found and accessed. Google Fonts does a good job on this, it saves some open source fonts on its servers and allows people to use them.
There is one major problem with Google Fonts: most fonts on its servers are Romance languages, so it is hard to find a font which belongs to Sino-Tibetan languages (e.g., Chinese). In order to solve this problem, this website is created and included many fonts which belong to Sino-Tibetan languages.
How to Use
Ⅰ. Basic URL Structure[Font-ID],{font-weight + font-style}&…
— ∞ —
Ⅱ. Embed Font(s)
Option ⅰ: Standard
(insert it between <head> and </head> in your HTML code):
<link href="FONT_URL" rel="stylesheet">
Option ⅱ: Import
(insert it directly to your CSS document, or between <style> and </style>):
@import url('FONT_URL');
— ∞ —
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Example | Fonts | Neminis Cloud</title>
<meta name="description" content="How to use the Neminis Cloud Fonts?">
<meta name="keywords" content="Neminis Cloud Fonts">
<meta name="author" content="Nemo">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="data:,">
<link href="苹方简,400,500&Vollkorn,400i&OCR-A" rel="stylesheet">
<p style="font-family: 苹方简; font-weight: 400;">这个字体为苹方简体,字体粗400。</p>
<p style="font-family: 苹方简; font-weight: 500;">这个字体为苹方简体,字体粗500。</p>
<p style="font-family: Vollkorn; font-weight: 400; font-style: italic;">This is an example of Vollkorn Italic, the font weight is 400.</p>
<p style="font-family: OCR-A;">This is an example of OCR-A.</p>
— ∞ —
Ⅳ. Acceptable Use Policy
- The "font-weight" ends with "i" means it is an italic font.
- You can only request maximum of TWELVE fonts in a signle request.
- For example: "~/?苹方简,400,500" is counted as one font.
- Another example: "~/?苹方简,400&OCR-A" is counted as two fonts.
- Last example: "~/?OCR-A&Vollkorn&OCR-A" is counted as three fonts.
- The value of "Font-ID" and "font-family" might be different! Please keep an eye on it.
- The sheet in next section may help you.
- The "font-weight + font-style" is not required. If it is missing, the server will return everything about this font.
- If the requested font contains "font-weight + font-style", it will return font(s) in .woff2 format.
- These fonts are open source, feel free to use them in production.
- Please contact me if you find any fonts that are not open resource. I will remove them after I verify them.
- If you have some questions or suggestions, please contact me by clicking here.
Information Sheet
Font-ID | font-family | font-weight + font-style |
Alegreya | Alegreya | 400,500 |
Cinzel | Cinzel | 400,700 |
Comfortaa | Comfortaa | 400,700 |
Consolas | Consolas | 400,700 400i,700i |
CourtM | CourtM | 400 |
Feronia | Feronia | 400 |
GildaDisplay | GildaDisplay | 400 |
Inconsolata | Inconsolata | 400,700 |
Inika | Inika | 400,700 |
JosefinSans | JosefinSans | 400,600 |
Karla | Karla | 400 |
Lato | Lato | 100,300,400,700,900 400i |
LibreBaskerville | LibreBaskerville | 400,700 400i |
Lusitana | Lusitana | 400,700 |
Montserrat | Montserrat | 200,300,400,500,600,700,800 200i,300i,400i,500i,600i,700i |
Nunito | Nunito | 200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900 200i,300i,400i,500i,600i,700i,800i,900i |
OCR-A | OCR-A | 400 |
OpenSans | OpenSans | 300,400,600,700 300i,400i,600i |
Ovo | Ovo | 400 |
Pirou | Pirou | 400 |
Poppins | Poppins | 200,300,400,500,600,700,800 200i,300i,400i,500i,600i |
Quattrocento | Quattrocento | 400,700 |
Quicksand | Quicksand | 300,400,500,700 |
Raleway | Raleway | 200,400,800 |
RedHatDisplay | RedHatDisplay | 300,400,500,600,700,800,900 300i,400i,500i,600i,700i,800i,900i |
Roboto | Roboto | 100,300,400,500,700,900 300i,400i,500i,700i |
SFCompactDisplay | SFCompactDisplay | 100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900 |
SFCompactText | SFCompactText | 300,400,500,600,700,800 300i,400i,500i,600i,700i,800i |
SFProDisplay | SFProDisplay | 100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900 100i,200i,300i,400i,500i,600i,700i,800i,900i |
SFProText | SFProText | 300,400,500,600,700,800 300i,400i,500i,600i,700i,800i |
ShawnGVS | ShawnGVS | 400 |
SourceSansPro | SourceSansPro | 200,300,400 |
UbuntuMono | UbuntuMono | 400 |
Vollkorn | Vollkorn | 400,700 400i |
VT323 | VT323 | 400 |
仿宋 | 仿宋 | 400 |
宋体 | 宋体 | 400 |
思源宋体 | 思源宋体 | 250,300,400,500,600,700,900 |
思源黑体 | 思源黑体 | 250,300,350,400,500,700,900 |
楷体 | 楷体 | 400 |
苹方简 | 苹方简 | 100,200,300,400,500,600 |
苹方繁 | 苹方繁 | 100,200,300,400,500,600 |
苹方港 | 苹方港 | 100,200,300,400,500,600 |